

Mazu’s Dream Guidance | Qingcao Foods’ Healthy Stewed Rice Series Uses Wujie’s “Dream Field Koshihikari Rice,” Products Will Soon Be Exported to the USA!



The Wujie Township Farmers’ Association Adopts AI Field Management System for Rice Cultivation | Quality Surpassing Japan’s Koshihikari Rice is Just Around the Corner

五結郷農会がAI田間管理システムを導入 | 日本のコシヒカリ米を超える品質も間近

Wisdom Agriculture Field Management Results Presentation | Event Highlights
知恵農業の田畑管理成果発表会 | イベントのハイライト
During his speech, CEO Wu of Qingcao Foods revealed that their products will be exported to the United States.


On June 7, the Wujie Township Farmers’ Association in Yilan County held the “Smart Agriculture Field Management Results Presentation” at the farm of contract farmer Yang Qinglong. They invited Professor Huang Nengfu from the Department of Computer Science at National Tsing Hua University and his research team, who assisted in implementing the AI smart rice farming system, to share their results and data. The county mayor, Lin Zimiao, who has always been concerned about agricultural development, attended the event to listen to Professor Huang’s report.


Warm Group Photo
Yilan County Magistrate Lin Zhi-miao (second from the left), Cheng Jin-tian, Executive Supervisor of the Wujie Township Farmers’ Association (second from the right), General Secretary You Wei-zhen (far right), and CEO Wu of Qingcao Food (far left) took a group photo at the event venue.


“Our main mission is to improve the taste score of Dreamfield Koshihikari rice,” stated Professor Huang. He mentioned that the taste score (a grading standard for rice, with Japanese Koshihikari rice scoring around 80 points) of Koshihikari rice in Wujie Township has been unstable in recent years, and the scores have a gap compared to Japanese Koshihikari rice. However, with the intervention of the smart monitoring system, there is a chance that everything will turn around.




Yu Wei-Chen, the General Manager of the Wujie Township Farmers’ Association, who played a key role in facilitating the collaboration, also believes that “agriculture must stay at the cutting edge of the times to combat the effects of extreme weather.” Professor Huang’s team has developed an AI smart rice farming system that can monitor soil temperature, humidity, pH levels, nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), electrical conductivity, and water levels in real-time. Through the mobile application “Nongshi Baomazai” and the farmers’ Line group, the system provides real-time cultivation advice and alert notifications. This helps farmers save a lot of time on field inspections and allows them to promptly detect and address issues like rice blast disease, preventing further damage.



AI image analysis can help farmers make more precise and flexible decisions, including drainage, irrigation, and fertilization. The system provides clear recommendations based on the condition of the seedlings. With close cooperation between farmers and AI, the taste quality of Dream Field Koshihikari rice has the potential to surpass that of Japan in the future.



Currently, “Dreamfield Koshihikari Rice” is highly sought after in the market. Yilan-based company “Qingcao Foods” is a loyal supporter. Founder and CEO Mr. Wu stated, “The reason we decided to include Dreamfield Koshihikari Rice in our popular brown rice risotto was actually inspired by a dream of Mazu from Baishatun.” The Koshihikari rice grown in Wujie Township has an excellent texture, maintaining its chewy and elastic quality even when cooled. This is the key factor that makes consumers want to repurchase it.


吳執行長說,氣候變遷的挑戰下,智慧農業的運用是未來的趨勢。五結鄉農會 首度與清華大學 合作,運用精準設備幫助農民掌握田間狀況,輔助水稻順利收成,糧食滿倉。青操食品 的養生燉飯系列選用五結「夢田越光米」,五結鄉稻田純淨無污染,飽滿的米粒,迷人的甜香,是單純簡單的滿足滋味。

CEO Wu stated that in the face of climate change challenges, the application of smart agriculture is the trend of the future. The Wuqi Township Farmers’ Association has cooperated with National Tsing Hua University for the first time, using precision equipment to help farmers monitor field conditions and assist in the successful harvest of rice, ensuring ample grain stocks. The health-conscious risotto series from Qingcao Foods uses Wuqi’s “Dream Field Koshihikari Rice.” The pure and unpolluted rice fields of Wuqi produce plump rice grains with an enchanting sweetness, providing a simple and satisfying taste.



Beyond improving quality and reducing labor costs, General Secretary You is even more hopeful that Professor Huang’s system will record carbon emissions data from the rice fields. In fact, Sanxing Village in Wujie Township has already received a bronze certification in the EPA’s “Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland” rating. Now, with the AI system introduced by the Farmers’ Association to assist farmers in optimizing carbon emissions from rice fields, the overall performance is expected to be even more impressive. It is even possible to achieve negative carbon emissions and obtain carbon credits, adding new sustainable value to traditional agriculture.




