

Black bear shot dead | Found dead on the Valamai Trail


At the site, conservation patrol officers from the South Ani Station were conducting environmental recording and preparing for relocation. Upon discovering the deceased black bear, due to the humid and hot conditions in the Valarmi area, the body had already begun to decompose, with burying beetles and dipteran larvae starting to feed on the surface of the carcass.
After an X-ray examination at Pingtung University of Science and Technology’s veterinary department, a metallic foreign body was found in the left thoracic dorsum, which was confirmed to be a bullet upon pathological dissection. It is presumed that the bullet penetrated through the lung from the posterior left trunk, causing death.


Alas! Not one less, Yushan National Park hopes there will be no more deaths of Formosan black bears!



During a conservation patrol in late April, a dead Formosan black bear was discovered by a patrol officer from the Yushan National Park Administration under the bridge of the Shanfeng No. 2 Suspension Bridge, near a waterfall along the Walami Trail. The individual was identified as BB03, a bear tracked by the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology’s Animal Disease Diagnostic Center, commissioned by the Yushan National Park Administration in 2021. Upon examination, a bullet was found in the left thoracic cavity, which was determined to be the cause of death.



According to the decomposition state of the body, it is inferred that bear BB03 was found dead for over three days. The location of its death is merely 300 meters away from the national park boundary, indicating a possibility of poaching during the night. The case has been transferred to the Seventh Brigade for investigation. Hunting activities are strictly prohibited within the national park area, and the park authorities deeply regret this incident. They will continue to enhance joint patrols with the Seventh Brigade of the police force, installing vehicle recognition systems at important intersections on trails and roads to reduce such unfortunate events.



The capture, tagging, and release study of black bears provide crucial foundational data for black bear conservation efforts.


The black bear ‘YNP_BB03’, released in April 110, is a healthy adult male. The photo shows BB03, a black bear, leaving on its own after the sampling and examination, with the anesthesia wearing off. (Provided by the Taiwan Black Bear Conservation Association)
After chip scanning and ear tag confirmation, it was determined that the deceased black bear was the male bear individual ‘YNP_BB03,’ which was tracked by the Yushan National Park Administration between April and September of 2021 (neck collar detached) in the Wulamei area. The photo shows Professor Huang Meixiu, a veterinarian, and the research individual BB03, during sampling and tagging (GPS collar) on April 26, 2021. (Provided by the Taiwan Black Bear Conservation Association)

チップのスキャンと耳タグの確認後、亡くなったクロクマは玉山国立公園管理局が2021年4月から9月まで(首輪が外れた)ウラメイ地域で追跡していたオス個体「YNP_BB03」であることが確認されました。写真は2021年4月26日にサンプリングとタギング(GPS首輪)を行った際の黄美秀教授、獣医師、および研究個体BB03です。 (台湾クロクマ保護協会提供)


At the end of April 2021, we studied black bear BB03, whose weight was measured at 100 kilograms, indicating a healthy, adult male bear without any missing digits. Although the collar fell off in September of the same year, ceasing tracking, it still provided us with valuable ecological information. Through genetic data, we discovered that he was the father of one of the individuals sampled in the past. He also roamed to a hillside very close to the Nanan Visitor Center, with his core activity area situated in the pristine forest far from human settlements. Within the six-month tracking period, his range spanned 33 square kilometers, with 40% of his time spent outside the Yushan National Park area. Most of his activity occurred on the park’s periphery, highlighting the necessity for cross-boundary cooperation in Taiwan black bear conservation. Only through the accumulation of basic research information can we develop the best management strategies for species and habitat conservation.



In recent years, there has been an increase in reports of Formosan black bear sightings within and around Yushan National Park. The deployment of research tools such as automatic cameras and highway surveillance cameras has also recorded a rising trend in their activities, including scenes of mother bears with cubs. This highlights how Formosan black bears are not far from our lives, making coexistence between humans and bears an important issue today.



Conserving Taiwan black bears requires local collaboration and collective effort from everyone.



In recent years, there has been an increasing number of human-bear conflicts in some areas of Taiwan, where Formosan black bears enter villages, orchards, chicken coops, or mountain cabins in search of food. Formosan black bears are an endangered species, and their habitat largely overlaps with mountain forests. They typically avoid areas with human activities. Sustainable conservation efforts require the recognition and collective cooperation of local residents. To achieve this, the Yushan National Park Administration has commissioned numerous seminars, educational workshops, and conservation training courses in neighboring communities in collaboration with the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology and the Taiwan Black Bear Conservation Association. They also continue to implement community-led monitoring programs. In the fiscal year 113, they have also commissioned the Taiwan Wildlife Conservation Association to conduct educational training on bear rescue and rehabilitation, community seminars, and school visits, aiming to enhance local community awareness of Formosan black bears and foster recognition of the conservation efforts by national parks, thereby working together to protect the soul of Taiwan’s mountains – the Formosan black bear.



Yushan National Park reminds you that if you encounter a Formosan black bear or signs of one while hiking, remain calm and quietly leave the area. Formosan black bears in Taiwan generally do not attack humans. After leaving the area, please notify the Yushan National Park Management Office (049-2773121) or the respective management stations, or report it on the Yushan National Park website (Path: Homepage > Ecological Conservation > Black Bear Area > Black Bear Report).




